Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April is upon us at last!

In just a few short hours it will be April! I know that doesn't mean much to most of you but to me that means that this pregnancy is almost over. I do not say that with a negative tone, just one of anticipation. We are 37 weeks tomorrow which means the baby is considered full term from here on! As is par with my other pregnancies, I am ready to be done... I'm tired of being pregnant... Yesterday Ben and I had the day off together, which never happens. We sent the kids to day care, had breakfast out and then came home to work. Ben actually did some work related stuff, while I got caught up on Owen's scrapbook and cleaned/organized all the kids' clothes and tried to get things ready for the baby. I guess that means I'm in the "nesting phase" since I now have a sense of urgency to get certain things done before baby's arrival. It won't be long now!

Does anyone have any thoughts about when he will arrive and how much he will weigh? Please comment below. We'll keep you posted!


Tara M said...

That is exciting to be so close to the big day! And that is great that you and Ben were able to have a day off together alone. I'm sure that doesn't happen too frequently (and will be even less frequent in the months to come)! Have fun with the nesting! I am enjoying that too (although I'm still like, "wait--no, I'm not ready to be done being pregnant yet!" But hopefully I will feel that way in 2 weeks once all my projects are done).

Hm...before I guess the weight and due date--can you tell the weight and due dates and actual birth dates of M and O? Then I can make a more accurate guess... (like I am some computer or something)

Nonnie said...

Dear Robyn: Very excited about this. Cannot wait to come and visit. Ericka's birthday would be a good day to give birth. How are Maddie and Owen doing? Maybe in between Maddie and Owen's weight. Maddie at 9 lbs 7 oz and Owen at 7lbs 3 oz could be a good guess. Love to you and please give kids hugs for us. We miss everyone very much.
Loves and hugs..


Boston Pam said...

My guess is:

April 19
8lbs 5oz