Friday, May 30, 2008

"Weekend" in Phily

We took a couple of days this week and headed up to Philadelphia to visit Pam, Charlie and David one last time before they move to Boston. We had a nice visit but unfortunately (especially for Pam) baby Shaun decided that it wasn't time yet to make his appearance. We are anxiously awaiting news though...

We took Maddie and David to a local park where they had all sorts of fun things to do on the playground as well as inside a huge house. One of the fun things was a giant slide where everyone got to join in the fun... check out Maddie and David going down together!

Silly kids in the tub

Owen sitting!

1 comment:

Nonnie said...

Oh My Goodness: What fun Ms. Maddie, Owen, David had. Nonnie wants to going down the slide. How much Papa and Nonnie miss you and we cannot wait to come and see you in two weeks. Lots and lots of love, hugs, kisses...
Nonnie and Papa