Friday, December 21, 2007

Owen's Grand Entrance!

As you may have read below, Robyn's OB decided yesterday that the time was right. Basically, call coverages for the holidays are weird and she wanted us to be able to have our baby with her at the helm (so to speak).
So, last night, Robyn, Ben, Kristen (Robyn's sister) and Maddie went to the Outback for our "last meal" and then Robyn and Ben proceeded to the hospital to check in for an induction.
After a restful night in the hospital, Dr Allen came by and ruptured Robyn's water at 8AM. Robyn's cervix was only 2cm at that time. The next check was 11AM, at that time she was at 6cm- some pretty good progression. At 11:45, Robyn was feeling a lot of pressure- the nurse checked her and decided Owen was ready to be born- and he was! Dr Allen came back, Robyn pushed for about 10 minutes and so arrived our new bundle of joy!
Owen Benjamin Mailloux was born December 21, 2007 at 12:15 PM.

He weighed in at 7 pounds, 3 ounces (that made Robyn happy) and was 21 inches long.

Compared to Madelyn, he is a skinny little thing but he is very cute! Here are some pics (make sure you notice the festive hat!):


Nonnie said...

Dear Owen:

Welcome to our family. We are so lucky to have you in our life. This is your Papa and Nonnie. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful mom, dad and sister Maddie. We love you and can not wait to meet you on January 2nd.
Loves, hugs, kisses... your Papa and Nonnie

Anonymous said...

This is Charlie's Mom - congratulations! So happy for you and the entire family. And enjoy Rochester! Check out Highland Park in the Spring - it has tons of lilac trees of all varieties and is quite spectacular!

Merry Christmas!